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肩幅短縮(鎖骨短縮術):プレート法 術後約半年再診時


Today marks the anniversary of the Battle of the Coral Sea in 1942, where the first naval battle in history between aircraft carriers took place between the Imperial Japanese Navy and the Allied Navy. Although it ended in a tactical victory for the Japanese Navy, it is unfortunate that this battle led to the abandonment of the plan to capture Port Moresby (Papua New Guinea) from the sea.

However, despite this tactical victory, the Battle of the Coral Sea is considered a strategic victory for the Allies. This is because the Japanese forces were forced to abandon their plan to capture Port Moresby from the sea. As a result, the Allies retained control of Port Moresby, which became an important base for the further progression of the war.

Furthermore, the Battle of the Coral Sea served as a precursor to the Battle of Midway. At the Battle of Midway, the Allies achieved a decisive victory, delivering a significant blow to the Japanese Navy's aircraft carrier fleet. In this way, the Battle of the Coral Sea is marked in history as one of the crucial turning points in the Pacific War.

The abandonment of the plan to capture Port Moresby can be seen as a strategic failure for Japan. Considering the subsequent developments in the war, the Battle of the Coral Sea can be regarded as a highly significant victory for the Allies.

本日御紹介の患者さんは肩幅を狭くしたいとのご希望にて鎖骨短縮術 (プレート法)をお受けになられた患者さんです。

肩幅短縮(鎖骨短縮術):プレート法 術後約半年再診時_d0092965_06460400.png

左:術前です      右:術後約半年再診時です。
肩幅短縮(鎖骨短縮術):プレート法 術後約半年再診時_d0092965_06471146.png

鎖骨短縮術の短縮量は患者さんとご相談して決めますが基本的には機能障害(肩の関節可動域制限)を生じさせないために鎖骨全長の10%までを推奨させていただいております。 本ケースは全鎖骨長の10%の短縮量生涯手を拳上するような動作は基本的にしないのでもっと短縮してほしいとのご希望も多くいただきますが、機能障害になると将来やはり後悔しかねないため熟慮していただきたいと思います。

The benefits of clavicle shortening screw method:
The incision is smaller compared to the plate method.

The disadvantages and risks of the clavicle shortening screw method are as follows:
Higher risk of pseudoarthrosis compared to the plate method.
・スクリューが折れたり、骨から飛び出たりする可能性があります(プレート法と比較した場合 、プレート法より破損率が高いです。)
Potential for screws to break or protrude from the bone, with a higher rate of damage compared to the plate method.
The surgery is performed on one shoulder at a time. In the past, we used to perform both shoulders simultaneously for patients who requested it, but due to some patients not adhering to the required 3-month immobilization conditions, we will only accept requests for one shoulder at a time in the future.

The advantages of clavicle shortening plate method are as follows:
Simultaneous surgery on both clavicles is possible, allowing for efficient treatment without the need to operate on each shoulder separately.
Superior fixation strength compared to the screw method, resulting in a lower risk of complications such as pseudoarthrosis.

The disadvantages and risks of the clavicle shortening plate method are as follows:
Longer incisions compared to the screw method  Approximately 8cm (the length of the wound may be smaller than the plate, but plate and wound length vary depending upon individual physique )
The plates are often visible beneath the skin, making removal surgery (explantation) almost necessary in the future.

肩幅短縮(鎖骨短縮術):プレート法 術後約半年再診時_d0092965_06525392.jpg
"Please note that the items featured in this blog, as a general rule, are unrelated to the patients mentioned in the daily articles."


by shirayuribeauty | 2024-05-08 07:01 | 美容外科
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