今日は13歳のときに北朝鮮に拉致された横田めぐみさんが59歳の誕生日を迎えた日になります。 横田めぐみさんのご存命と一刻も早く拉致問題解決を願います。
Today marks the birthday of Megumi Yokota, who was abducted by North Korea at the age of 13. She is now 59 years old. On this occasion, we hope for Megumi Yokota's well-being and the swift resolution of the abduction issue.
本日御紹介の患者さんは目の下のくまを改善したいとのご希望にて 眼窩脂肪除去+目の下の脂肪移植 をお受けになられて術後約半年になる患者さんです。
Today's introduced patient underwent a procedure approximately six months ago to address under-eye circles, following their desire for improvement. The procedure involved orbital fat removal and fat grafting for the under-eye area.
Top: Before the procedure
下段:目の下のくま改善 (眼窩脂肪除去+目の下の脂肪移植) 術後約半年再診時です。
Bottom: Follow-up approximately six months after undergoing under-eye circle improvement (Orbital fat removal + Fat grafting for under-eye area).
Under-eye circles have improved, and the feedback is "Satisfied (5/5)," indicating a smooth recovery. We look forward to welcoming her for another visit.
The other day, we received a thoughtful gift from one of our patients
注:本ブログに掲載している戴きものはその日の記事に記載している患者様からいただいたものとは原則として無関係です)"Please note that the items featured in this blog, as a general rule, are unrelated to the patients mentioned in the daily articles."
We appreciate it.
Please don't feel obligated.
We look forward to your next visit.