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寝耳修正 術後約半年再診時  Lift the ear that is laying down:POD6M
Today marks the day in 1944 when Operation Sho-ichi-gō (捷一号) was launched during the Battle of Leyte Gulf.

日本海軍はこの海戦を最後に、組織的抵抗能力をほぼ失いました。 また、この海戦で神風特別攻撃隊が公的に初めて出撃したとされています。
The Imperial Japanese Navy essentially lost its organized resistance capability following this naval battle. Additionally, it's noted as the first official deployment of the kamikaze special attack units during this battle.


The patient introduced today expressed a desire to "lift the ear that is laying down" or, in other words, "to correct the ear that is not clearly visible from the front and make it more visible from the front."
In accordance with this wish, the patient underwent corrective surgery for ears that are not visible from the front.

正面像 Frontal view 
左:術前です。    右:術後約半年再診時です
Left - Pre-operation.   Right - Approximately six months post-operation during a follow-up visit
寝耳修正 術後約半年再診時  Lift the ear that is laying down:POD6M_d0092965_07115715.png

側面 lateral view
左:術前です。      右:術後約半年再診時です
Left - Pre-operation.     Right - Approximately six months post-operation during a follow-up visit
寝耳修正 術後約半年再診時  Lift the ear that is laying down:POD6M_d0092965_07120542.png

当院を知人にお勧めしたいと思われますか とのアンケートには「10/10 是非勧めたい」 との回答をしてくださいました。

Thank you very much for your feedback and for expressing your intent to highly recommend our clinic, rating your satisfaction at "5/5" and expressing a "10/10" recommendation desire. We deeply appreciate it.

We are delighted to have provided you with a satisfying experience, and we are truly grateful for your willingness to recommend our services to others. Rest assured, we are committed to maintaining the same level of excellence in our care and services.

We eagerly anticipate your next visit. Thank you once again for your kind words.

The other day, I received kind consideration from a certain patient.
寝耳修正 術後約半年再診時  Lift the ear that is laying down:POD6M_d0092965_06272040.jpg
I appreciate your thoughtfulness, but you don't have to worry about giving me a gift.
We look forward to your next visit.

by shirayuribeauty | 2023-10-18 07:14 | 美容外科
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