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鎖骨短縮術(肩幅を狭くする手術) (スクリュー法) 術後約半年再診時: surgery to narrow shoulder width (screw method)
本日御紹介の患者さんは 肩幅を狭くしたいというご希望にて スクリュー法にて肩幅を狭くする手術をお受けになられた患者さんです。
Today's introduced patient has expressed a desire to narrow her shoulder width and has undergone a shoulder-width reduction surgery using the screw method.

左:術前です。Left: Pre-surgery.  右:術後約4か月再診時です。Right: Approximately 4 months post-surgery follow-up 
鎖骨短縮術(肩幅を狭くする手術) (スクリュー法) 術後約半年再診時: surgery to narrow shoulder width (screw method)_d0092965_07093682.png
The feedback is: "I've started hearing comments like 'You've become elegant.' Thank you. I hope for improvements in reducing wait times." The satisfaction rating is 4 out of 5.
We look forward to her next visit.

The benefits of clavicle shortening screw method:
The incision is smaller compared to the plate method.

The disadvantages and risks of the clavicle shortening screw method are as follows:
Higher risk of pseudoarthrosis compared to the plate method.
・スクリューが折れたり、骨から飛び出たりする可能性があります(プレート法と比較した場合 、プレート法より破損率が高いです。)
Potential for screws to break or protrude from the bone, with a higher rate of damage compared to the plate method.
The surgery is performed on one shoulder at a time. In the past, we used to perform both shoulders simultaneously for patients who requested it, but due to some patients not adhering to the required 3-month immobilization conditions, we will only accept requests for one shoulder at a time in the future.

The advantages of clavicle shortening plate method are as follows:
Simultaneous surgery on both clavicles is possible, allowing for efficient treatment without the need to operate on each shoulder separately.
Superior fixation strength compared to the screw method, resulting in a lower risk of complications such as pseudoarthrosis.

The disadvantages and risks of the clavicle shortening plate method are as follows:
Longer incisions compared to the screw method  Approximately 8cm (the length of the wound may be smaller than the plate, but plate and wound length vary depending upon individual physique )
The plates are often visible beneath the skin, making removal surgery (explantation) almost necessary in the future.

by shirayuribeauty | 2023-10-11 07:01 | 美容外科
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