65 years ago from today, Dr. Kiyoshi Shiga who discovered the bacterium "shigella" passed away on January 25 1957.
明治時代の日本の近代化のなかで世界に通用する科学研究の成果を成し遂げた先 駆者であり、現代の韓国のソウル大の前身である京城帝国大学の総長を御勤めになられた医学者でした。 残念ながらソウル大は創立を1946年とし京城帝国大学との連続を認めていません。 Dr. Shiga achieved notable results and was a world-class pioneer in the study of science while Japan modernized itself in Meiji era. While he engaged in medical science, he was the chancellor of Keijo Imperial University in Seoul from 1929 to 1931. The University was the precursor of Seoul University however this was not officially affirmed and the Seoul Univ. is considered to be established in 1946.