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上口唇縮小形成術 術後約6年再診時
今日は大東亜戦争終戦7年後の1952年 に 韓国の李承晩大統領が李承晩ライン(りしょうばんライン) を宣言し一方的に竹島 を韓国領とした日になります 。
On January 18th 1952, South Korean President Syngman Rhee unilaterally declared the "Peace Line" (otherwise known as "Syngman Rhee Line" in Japan) was the military demarcation line between Japan and South Korea.  South Korea insisted they occupied the area around Liancourt Rocks ("Takeshima" in Japanese ).

国際法上の慣例を無視した措置として日米側は強く抗議しましたが、このライン の廃止は1965年(昭和40年)の日韓漁業協定 の成立まで待たなくてはならなりませんでした。協定が成立するまでの13年間に、韓国による日本人抑留者は3,929人、拿捕された船舶数は328隻、死傷者は44人を数えています。

On January 18th 1952, South Korean President Syngman Rhee unilaterally declared the "Peace Line" (otherwise known as "Syngman Rhee Line" in Japan) was the military demarcation line between Japan and South Korea. South Korea insisted they occupied the area around Liancourt Rocks ("Takeshima" in Japanese ).


To solve the Syngman Rhee Line dispute, Japan complied with South Korea's requirement to release 472 Korean imprisoned criminals also granting them special status of residence in Japan in exchange of allowing Japanese detainees to return to Japan.

The Japan-Korea Fishery Agreement was concluded at the same time when the Treaty on Basic Relations between Japan and the Republic of Korea was completed. South Korea its people to procure capital to promote industrialization of itself.
Park Chung-hee, then President of South Korea, thought this was a method to reunify South and North Korea.


Regretfully, today commemorates the day of national dishonor that Japan received the unilateral declaration from South Korea occupying Liancourt Rocks without any legal procedures.


However, I have a hope that South Korea would will become a more mature nation practicing international law.  I also hope Japan and South Korea will talk over the dispute over Liancourt Rocks in the International Court of Justice some day.

本日ご紹介の患者さんは 上口唇を縮小したいとのご希望にて上口唇縮小形成術をお受けになられた患者さんです

上口唇縮小形成術 術後約6年再診時_d0092965_23062731.jpg



by shirayuribeauty | 2021-01-18 23:04 | 美容外科
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