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口角挙上(外側法) 術後約半年再診時
On February 10th 2001, at AM 8:45 Japan Standard Time the Ehime Maru, a training ship of Uwajima Fisheries High School from Japan was hit and sunk by U.S. nuclear submarine U.S.S. Greeneville off the coast of O‘ahu Island, Hawaii.

乗務員の35人のうち、えひめ丸に取り残された教員5 人、生徒4人が死亡して、救出されたうち9人がPTSDと診断されたとされています。

5 teachers and 4 students out of the 35 crew members were the fatal victims of this accident.
The 9 people who were rescued from were diagnosed with PTSD.
They still suffer from the experience or memories of this traumatic event.


It is said that most of the foreign media, especially in the English-speaking world introduced the Ehime Maru as a fishing vessal, not as a training ship for students.


The collision accident was not dealt by US Navy Court of Inquiry (the court martial of US Navy).
The captain of Greenwille at that time, Scott Waddle was not tried and only suffered a pay-cut.
He was discharged honorably at a later date.

Almost 2 years after the accident, in December 2002, Waddle visited the Uwajima Fisheries High School in Ehime Prefecture Japan, and placed flowers at the memorial for the victims.

Prior to 2006, Waddle's attendance at the annual memorial event in Hawaii was not accepted by the victims' families. In 2006, he mentioned that he wished to attend the 7th annual memorial events held in Hawaii the following year, however in reality he did not show up.


It was said that former President G.W.Bush of the U.S. admitted the U.S. Navy was at fault for the collision and expressed his apologies to Japan during a tele-conference with former Prime Minister Mori of Japan.
The attitude of U.S. toward Japan in this case was much better than that of the Girard incident in 1957.

Regardless, Waddle and crew neglected to actively rescue those who were aboard the sinking Ehime Maru, and should be shunned for their lack of humanity.

本日ご紹介の患者さんは口角挙上(外側法)をお受けになられて 術後約半年再診時になる患者さんです。

口角挙上(外側法) 術後約半年再診時_d0092965_02512818.jpg


口角挙上外側法 のリスク

口角挙上(外側法) 術後約半年再診時_d0092965_04131602.jpg
ありがとうございます。 どうかお気を遣わないでください。

by shirayuribeauty | 2020-02-10 23:50 | 美容外科
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