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二の腕、腹部、腰回り脂肪吸引 + 脂肪移植豊胸 術後約半年
本日 2月1日は1944年にマーシャル諸島クエゼリン環礁守備隊(ルオット島)が玉砕した日になります。

On February 1 ,1944 , the all members of Marshall Islands Kwajalein Atoll garrison (Luotto island) died an honorable death.

また今日は大東亜戦争終戦後3年目である1948年 に三菱財閥の創業者・岩崎弥太郎の孫娘である 沢田美喜が大磯に混血児救済施設「エリザベス・サンダースホーム」を開設した日です。

72 years ago from today, on February 1st, Miki Sawada, the grand-daughter of the Mitsubishi zaibatsu founder Yataro Iwasaki, established the "Elisabeth Sunders Home" in Oiso Japan, a faculty to aid the children with "mixed blood".
It was 3 years after the end of The World War II.

The children with "mixed blood" children were exposed to discrimination at that time.


The children in the faculty were born to Japanese mothers. Their fathers were soldiers of The Allied Forces that occupied Japan.
Unfortunately, they were abandoned by not only society, but also their parents.


An estimated 2000 children grew up in this faculty.

Additionally, Miki Sawada established a educational corporation, "The St. Stepanos Academy" in 1953 and started pioneering Amazon river basin in Brazil.
Many children who grew up in the Elisabeth Sunders Home migrated to St. Stepanos Farm which she found and run in Brazil.


In a defeated nation, women sometimes conceive children of soldiers from the occupating forces even though they do not intended pregnancy.
Women were often the prey in times of post-war chaos. I pay my respects to Miki Sawada for her benevolent effort

二の腕、腹部 腰回りの脂肪吸引もおこなっています。

むかって左:術前です。   右:術後約半年再診時です。

二の腕、腹部、腰回り脂肪吸引 + 脂肪移植豊胸 術後約半年_d0092965_03384745.jpg
二の腕、腹部、腰回り脂肪吸引 + 脂肪移植豊胸 術後約半年_d0092965_03391029.jpg

ご感想は「スタイルが大変よくなりました。 ありがとうございました。」と「大満足(6/6)」と順調な経過です。


・しこりが生じる可能性 (これが起きにくいようにマイクロ化した脂肪を1cm³あたり0.1cc以下の脂肪を特殊な器具で細かく注入移植するようにしています)
・感染 等

二の腕、腹部、腰回り脂肪吸引 + 脂肪移植豊胸 術後約半年_d0092965_04271228.jpg
ありがとうございます。 どうかお気を遣わないでください。

by shirayuribeauty | 2020-02-01 23:37 | 美容外科
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