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他院目の下脂肪除去後に対する 脂肪移植 術後約8か月

January 10th 49 BC is widely known as the day that Gaius Julius Caesar, on crossing the Rubicon river with only one legion to trigger a civil war, said the historically famous phrase "the dice is thrown" or "The die is cast" ("Alea iacta est" in Latin).

It was said that Caesar quoted the phrase from Menander ( comic dramatist of ancient Greece (342-292 BC) ) in Greek.。

Today, the phrase is often used when one confronts a decisive and/or inevitable
event, crossing the point of no return.


We sometimes come across a "Rubicon River" situation in our lives, where we must simply move on.


下段:下眼瞼脂肪移植術 術後約8か月再診時です
他院目の下脂肪除去後に対する 脂肪移植 術後約8か月_d0092965_00302022.jpg
しこり等合併症なく 御感想は「満足(4/5)」と順調な経過です。


他院目の下脂肪除去後に対する 脂肪移植 術後約8か月_d0092965_00360566.jpg
ありがとうございます。 どうか御気を遣わないでください。

by shirayuribeauty | 2018-01-10 00:28 | 美容外科 | Comments(0)
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