今日は1941年にアメリカのハル国務長官が日露戦争以降に東ア ジアで築かれた日本の権益と領土、軍事同盟の全てを直ちに放棄することを求めるハル・ノートを提示した日になります。
72 years ago from today, November 26th 1941, The Secretary of State at the time, Cordell Hull, laid out The Outline of proposed Basis for Agreement Between The United States and Japan, or so called "Hull note" against Japan. This outline
requested Japan to abandon all of their territorial possession and interests in East Asia which they had obtained since The Russo-Japanese War and renounce all military alliance immediately. The Prime Minister of Japan Hideki Tojo recognized it and said to his cabinet that it was the ultimatum from U.S.
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