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額リフト  術後4年
今日は1936年 にロンドン海軍軍縮会議から日本が脱退した日です。
On January 15th 1936, Japan withdrew from the Second London Naval Disarmament Conference. Consequently, they did not sign the Second London Naval Treaty.


Japan had been historically placed in an unduly low position in global politics thus far.
Long before the Greater East Asia War, Japan had been restricted to keep armed forces less (or weaker) than the U.K. and the U.S.A. by western alliances.

Furthermore, ever since Matthew Perry had compelled Japan to open its doors to the West, Japan had been pressured to conclude several unequal treaties like the Convention of Kanagawa (on March 31st 1854, or The Treaty of Amity and Commerce (on July 29th 1858).

本日ご紹介の患者さんは前額部 額リフトをお受けになられて術後4年の患者さんです。

額リフト  術後4年_d0092965_4415658.jpg


by shirayuribeauty | 2015-01-15 00:40 | 美容外科
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