今日は1977年 に新潟市で横田めぐみさんが下校途中に北朝鮮の工作員に拉致された日になります。
32 years ago from today, on November 15th in 1977, Megumi Yokota was abducted by North Korean agents on her way home from school in Niigata, a city facing the Sea of Japan. She was 13 years old at the time.
On the same day in 2008, Tomi Ichikawa passed away for a subarachnoid hemorrhage at PM3:22. She was 91. Her son Shuichi was also abducted by North Korea from Fukiage-Hama, Kagoshima in August 1978. She had been waiting for her son's return for more than 30 years. Megumi and Shuichi are only a handful of the abductees that have been made public.
拉致後31年という月日はあまりにも長過ぎます。 ご家族の心情を思うと心痛に耐えません。
It must have been frustrating for their families to wait for the abductees` return for as long as 30 years or more. I cannot imagine how painful this would be, for family members to experience such an event. Furthermore, I truly hope the Japanese government will make their best efforts in resolving this issue.
本日ご紹介の患者さんは右目と比較して左目のまぶたの開きが悪いとのことで左目 眼瞼下垂修正術(がんけんかすいしゅうせいじゅつ)をご希望された患者さんです。
おいしいケーキでした。 ありがとうございます。 どうか御気を遣わないでください。